Frequently asked questions.
Please reach us at jason@ozonedevices.com.au or tamara@ozonedevices.com.au if you cannot find an answer to your question.
All product SDS are available on request.
Can I be allergic to Aqueous Ozone?
No, on the contrary, Aqueous Ozone is anti-microble water. If you suffer from conditions such as Dermatis Aqueous Ozone would be advantageous in the healing process.
What is Ozone’s half-life?
Ozone has a 15 to 20-minute half-life.
What is the difference between your Ozone devices & others on the market?
PHOD's Aqueous Ozone devices carry Australia's highest registrations. Giving assurity and peace of mind to the end user.
☑ Pureworx- HACCP FZS
☑ Green Kona - TGA / Watermark